Project Description
The purpose of the research is to study and describe the how consumers practice the customer journey with a performative perspective and arrive at interpretations that describe when, how and if a digitized consumer aligns their practices with how research literature and the industry understands it to unfold. Thusly the study employs the theoretical concepts of agencing, market infrastructure and consumer-agencement and aims to contribute to the field Constructive Market Studies (CMS). Informants’ practices of consumption are studied with the ethno-methodology trace ethnography in which the innovative technique of phone metering is employed. The database, consisting of more than 100 000 rows of data accounting for each informant’s smartphone usage during one full month, is studied qualitatively and filtered through interviews and observations with ten informants to be able to write thick and rich descriptions of their digital practices. To the retail industry, the research will inform about different types of customer journeys that take place digitally and how retail may develop and enhance marketing, sales and customer relationships. The insights also imply how retail can continue to build digital infrastructure to support future business.
Research questions
What does the process that leads to the digital consumer’s agency look like?
What in the digital marketing infrastructure supports the idea of the customer journey?
What role does the smartphone play as a link between practices of consumption and the digital market infrastructure?
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Thesis Project Team

Patrik Stoopendahl
PhD Student
Master of Science in Business and Organizational Anthropology

Project Presentation
Presented at the INSiDR Network Conference, 12 November, 2020.