The INSiDR Management Team is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the graduate school.
The Industrial Council consists of representatives from companies in the retailing business and is responsible for developing structures for knowledge dissemination within and between participating companies, and the retail sector in general. The Industrial Council also pursues opportunities for further research co-operation.
The Supervisor Council is comprised of all supervisors, from academia and companies. It is an arena for discussions on how to balance demands from the company and academia on the doctoral projects, as well as issues related to pedagogical aspects of supervision. Also, the Supervisor Council is responsible for identifying opportunities for future research projects and communicating these within each university and company.
The PhD Council consists of all PhD students in INSiDR.
The Advisory Board consists of heads of department from the Universities, representatives from The Research Board, PhD students and representatives from industry associations. It advises and supervises the Management Team in all matters concerning the operation of INSiDR, and ensures that the graduate school is an integrated part of both universities, as well as with our industry partners. The board takes part in strategic discussions and evaluation of the goals set for the graduate school.
Thesis Projects Teams: For each PhD project, the thesis project team consists of a PhD student, academic supervisors from UB, JU, UoS, as well as a company mentor.